

It's time for the newest of David O'Toole's unique Free Software puzzle games. 2x0ng is a procedural puzzle combat roguelike game in an 8-bit retro style. Pronounce it "TWO-zong". 2x0ng is also Free Software, licensed under the GPLv3 (with assets under CC-BY-SA). In the year 2B7F, the Xiomacs virus escaped its interpreter and began to attack the System. Defend the System: use the arrow keys (or numpad) to move your guy, and press spacebar to throw the colored ball. The ball picks up the color of any brick it breaks. The dashed lines ("gates") can only be broken by a ball of the same color. On each increasingly-difficult algorithmically-generated level, your goal is to reach the purple exit square thingy by unlocking the colored gates while avoiding and destroying an onslaught of enemies. The rest of the rules are for you to discover in-game.

How to play?


Date Package Version Arch Size Download
14-04-20132x0ng1.0rc1 r1x8649.35 MB (latest)