

Scorched3D is a game based loosely (or actually quite heavily now) on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth “The Mother Of All Games”. Scorched 3D adds amongst other new features a 3D island environment and LAN and internet play. Scorched 3D is totally free and is available for both Microsoft Windows and Unix-like (Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris etc.) operating systems. You can pick up the game and begin playing very quickly. Then, when/if you are interested, you can poke in the dimmer recesses of the game and get into the strategy (or just ignore it altogether!). At its lowest level, Scorched3D is just an artillery game with at least two tanks taking turns to destroy opponents in an arena. Choose the angle, direction and power of each shot, launch your weapon, and try to blow up other tanks. That’s basically it.

How to play?


Date Package Version Arch Size Download
14-04-2013Scorched3d43.3.d r1x86110.92 MB (latest)
08-04-2013Scorched3d43.3.d r1x86110.92 MB
01-04-2013Scorched3d43.3.d r1x86110.92 MB