ZEQ2 Lite


ZEQ2-Lite is an open-sourced and mod expandable project based on a highly modified ioQuake3 engine foundation and features many true-to-reference DBZ visuals and mechanics. Additionally, there exists a custom from-scratch particle system as well an extended number of configuration files that can be used to control character skills (visually & mechanically), world particle effects, forms / transformations / tiers, music playlists, and other aspects. This attribute makes the project more than simply another DBZ modification as strong capabilities exist for user mod creation exists without need for actual programming. The original ZEQ2 project was initially started in late 2002 originally as a highly scripted modification of the Bid For Power mod. Over time, it became more about striving for accuracy from the original television series over any other aspect. After several growth revisions from package, mod, total conversion, to a standalone project using the open-sourced Quake 3 engine (in 2005), a majority of the development staff branched and began to create an original development engine with the purpose of creating an even higher quality representation by using advanced NPR research techniques and modern rendering techniques. The original ZEQ2 project was put on hold indefinitely as development of said engine became more and more time-consuming and of a higher priority. However, in early April 2009, two of the orignal developers from the Quake III version of ZEQ2 decided to polish up what was left of the old project and release it so that years of development didn’t go to waste. We find ourselves here today with ZEQ2-lite, a less hardcore albeit quality-driven version of the original project. ________________________________________NOTE: ZEQ2 Lite is only available via SVN eg: Last stable(see revision number on Homepage): svn co -r 1536 http://zeq2.com/SVN/Build/ zeq2lite

How to play?


Date Package Version Arch Size Download
08-05-2015ZEQ2 Literev1536 r2x86229.44 MB (latest)
19-04-2015ZEQ2 Literev1536 r1x86229.12 MB